Graviora manent

What do you feel after you pick a new plastic bag, throw away the old one, use lots of tissue papers, throw away some, turn on the water tap and turn on the lamps even in the evening?

Don't you feel that a greater danger is waiting for you?
Not too close, not too far.
It could be behind you, or next to you.
Look around!

Don't you think that a kitten is just not yet a cat?
And a baby tiger is just not yet a giant tiger?
It might keep silent now, but then? 
Who knows?
What do you feel when you choose to give up?
Don't you see a future is in the palm of your hand?
And when you cut it off, you let your future go?

It might be okay now, but in the next 10 years?
You might realize that you had chosen the wrong path.
Keep awake!
Well well,
Earth is not earth, without human.
Human is not human, without mistake.
Errare humanum est.

It's true that I wasn't an environmentalist.
I used to use water arbitrarily.
But it's not hard to keep our environment, right?

What I want you to do, is not to give up now.
Do not waste your time.
Stop harming our environment.
Because I see graviora manent.

Graviora manent: greater afflictions are in store, the worst is yet to come.


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